Original picture on which the Cirsium kawakamii hayata illustration is based (Copyright: Peng Ching-yi)
Cirsium kawakamii hayata
Cirsium kawakamii hayata is a species of asteraceae native to Taiwan. Often found on mountains from 2,600-3,950 meters above sea levels, it can be seen on Mount Jade, Nanhu Mountain, Xueshan, Hehuanshan, and Xiuguluan Mountain. The whole plant is covered in sharp needles, the stalk is straight and grooved, and the alternate, pinnatipartite leaves are oval and shaped like lance heads. The front edges of the leaf lobes have tiny woody needles, and the edges of the needles have spines that are 1-2cm long. The plant’s pale yellow or purple flowers have nectaries. Usually 10-20 flower heads (capitulums) form a raceme. Cirsium kawakamii hayata has medicinal uses: its various parts, from the roots to the flowers, all have different properties.