Picture of the Mikado pheasant (copyright: Huang Huan-jun)
The Mikado pheasant
The Mikado pheasant, a species native to Taiwan, lives in mountain areas of high and medium elevation. The bird is often found in conifer-broadleaf forests and arrow bamboo groves.
Male and female Mikado pheasants exhibit sexual dimorphism: the male has shiny blue-black plumage, a red waddle around the eyes, and white bands on the wings. The female has brown plumage and lacks long tail feathers.
The Mikado pheasant usually inhabits steep slopes and tends to seek solitary, quiet places. On foggy or rainy days it often forages for food along roadsides or at the edge of the forest. It feeds on fern shoots, wild strawberries, and insects. It has a majestic posture and holds its head high when it walks. When male and female Mikado pheasants come out in pairs to forage for food, the male bird will remain close to its companion and stay alert for danger.